So if any one out there has been at all bothering to pay attention to
this blog, you might just have noticed a certain absence of content.
This is partly because I just haven't had anything worth posting. Mostly
though it's due to a frustrating medley of reasons and emotions
involving depression, lack of motivation and a general lack of time,
amongst other similar things that I really don't want to go into detail
with on something so public as this blog.
In my
previous post I said that I was going to do an analysis of the Embris
story. This probably isn't going to happen. I'm just not finding any joy
in my writing at the moment. I was leaning towards deleting the story
from the blog entirely, but my brother persuaded me otherwise. I don't
know when I'll actually be able to get back to focussing on writing. I
hope it will be sooner rather than later but I really just don't know.
I do know is that I'm going start posting a hell of lot of hobby
content. I'm really starting to enjoy painting miniatures, and I think I
might actually be starting to get good at it. Good enough to start
doing commision work perhaps. To that end I've recently purchased an
airbrush to help speed everything up, and I've put together a laundry
list of models that I plan on painting to show off my abilities. The
first of these is a unit of Ogre Bulls that I've been working on for a
while. In fact, I'll be posting pictures of them very, very shortly.
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