Saturday, 18 October 2014

Mountain Wolves - Fenrisian Wolves masquerading as Sabretusks

And to accompany my freshly painted Bulls, here's a pair of Fenrisian Wolves from the 40k line who'll be filling the role of Sabretusks.

While I think the actual Sabretusk models are okay, I much prefer these wolves, plus I'm a big fan of canines in general. I do have a pair of dogs after all, whom I love dearly despite how their shed hair manages to get absolutely everywhere (you might spot the occasional strand that I've missed lurking in some of my mini photos). For painting these guys I followed a tutorial from the Companies of Fenris painting guide that Games Workshop released a few months ago. I'm thrilled with the result, though in what seems to be a tradition for GW the instructions in the tutorial were occasionally a little vague and the writers somehow managed to miss out a fairly important step (layering Ushabti Bone on the legs and belly after the washes).

I should note that while I'm pleased with how the photos have come out, the eyes do look a little washed out in a few of them compared to how they look in real life. IRL they're a very pale blue, accomplished by painting the eye white then giving them a few gentle glazes of Guilliman Blue.

Next up I'm going to finish off painting the Goblins from the Escape from Goblin Town set and maybe a couple of Dwarves before I move onto the next unit in my Ogre army - the Leadbelchers.

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